PART 1: Are Your Career Plans Bulletproof?

Everyone has two runways in an active job search.
The obvious one is the financial runway— simply how much money you have and how long will it last. Of course, that’s arrived at by looking at your monthly out-of-pocket expenses and the amount you have either in short-term savings and/or severance and in some instances, long-term savings, 401(k)s, etc.
For many, the runway is established as two buckets, the first being the savings or cash on hand that you can touch without a penalty. The second bucket is determined by when you would need to dip into savings that could have a penalty associated with it.
The less obvious runway, but one that is just as real as the first one, is the emotional runway. What is an emotional runway? It is the toll the search is taking on your overall well-being, and especially on your mindset.
So, you may have a comfortable financial runway, but the roller coaster ride of your search is taking an emotional toll on you. I have people reach out to me after being in their search for just a week or two and they tell me, “I am climbing the walls.” This is real and it is something that should not be ignored.
Step one is to evaluate both runways, and just as you check your bank balance regularly, you must check in on the emotional toll on a regular basis, so that you will know when it is the right time to adjust your strategy from a Plan A to a Plan A/Plan B approach.
Next week, I’ll be sharing the next step in ensuring your Plan A and Plan B are Bulletproof. Keep an eye on your inbox for Part 2.
Imagine Never Having to Worry About Your Career…
How many times have you been frozen in your tracks because you just didn’t know what you should do next? My book, Bulletproof Your Career, is a great resource to help you on your journey to begin to Fundamentally Change Your Relationship to Your Career…For Life.
The rules of the career game have changed–I’ll show you how to win the game. You’ll learn the ins and outs of those hiring practices in order to market yourself as the best candidate for the job YOU want. Get insider hiring secrets that will transform the way you approach your career and the job opportunities that go along with it. And more—all with the goal to help you begin Fundamentally Changing Your Relationship to your Career… for Life!
NOW is the time to commit to putting your destiny in your own hands. Take action! You can get your free chapter here to get started and purchase your copy of the book on Amazon.